Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Client Inspiration

So, I gained a new client this week.  She is very excited about making her year-old apartment a true home.  Between a growing business and a puppy, decorating has just sort of remained at the bottom of her list, naturally.

And that's where I come in.  I spent a day with her, gathering information, taking photos and cataloging her current pieces.  She actually has remarkable taste and great pieces to work with.  Between parental hand-me-downs and brilliant flea market finds, this client is more concerned with making it all work together.

Extensive overseas travels have left her with a lot of great souvenirs.  Now, it's about showcasing her pieces without seeming kitsch-y.  Finding great ways to tie together specific travels, and really make this place feel like hers.


Oh, did I forget the best part?  Right.  These little babies were waiting for me when I showed up.  Well, no...the actual ones were eaten immediately.  But, I promise to walk you through the tutorial later this week, as I made sure to beg for one myself...

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